My feeling coming away from this is that SH and I were in love. Now that seems very dramatic, but I feel as though the term "love" isn't understood by most people. Love occurs in a relationship when the two people are involved are attracted to one another and are progressing in the same direction. By those standards we were in love, we were comitted to each other and experienced everything that people in relationships should. It wasn't anything supernatural, there weren't fireworks, it was very normal but very enjoyable. People, girls in particular, seem to feel that love will carry with it this overwhelming feeling that will sweep them off their feet into the marrige they've always dreamed about. To me it is something that can be achieved with anyone for any amount of time. Which would explain how people get divorced after 20 years of being married. Or why people will date for so long then decide they're not happy. Relationships exist for the short time when two people are on the same page and feel the same about that given page. It is very unspectacular and not very special.
With all of that said, apart of me will always be with SH and remember her for all the good she did for me. She did a lot and contributed directly to the person I am today, for that I am thankful. It is unfortunate that we didn't work out, but like I said, I understand now that we are on different pages with different ideas of what those pages say.