Some person's poem:
"I Am
Like the tiniest ant roaming the country side
I find myself searching for something
I'm hungry
For something that's hiding from me, very well
It doesn't want to be found at the moment
I'm scared
That I will never be where I'm supposed to be
At the right time and with the right person
I'm alone
With no one but myself to question my motives
Where I go, what I do, how do I do it?
I'm suffering
Until I can answer the questions of life
I will remain bound to the ants back
I'm wandering, hungry, scared and alone."
I'm not one to say that someone's feelings are wrong, but this is at least counter productive. My advice to everyone (Including myself) is: if you're unhappy or want someone to love or just want to be in a relationship the best thing to do is to try. Just go out there and ask whoever whatever you want, the worst case scenario is that they say no, and if that is the case whoever you asked is probably an asshole anyway. Love isn't something that magically happens it's more something that is created with day after day after day of hard work. Waiting around for the ideal relationship where you're not scared or worried is suicide in small doses because that which is ideal does not exist. Happy Valentines Day!