Monday, November 21, 2005

Let's just say that I "saw" this "random girls" "profile" on myspace, then sent her this "message".

Hey, My name is Andy. In your profile you say you admire "People who aren't afraid to speak their mind and who stand up for what they believe in." I feel very strongly about "How to lose a guy in 10 days" and how it's a terrible movie. Infact, I would go as far to say that I can judge you as a person with poor taste in pop culture just because you like this movie. Why do people (girls in particular) like movies with such a paper thin plot, bad acting, and even worse writing? I can literally think of one thousand things that would have been better for you to do other than watch that movie. What is wrong with you? Anyway, hope your day went well. Please show more care with what you pay money for.



Blogger Madge DoRightly said...

It was a toss up over whether I should just laugh and say nothing or if I should comment something funny and useful. I chose neither, in the end.

10:25 AM  

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