Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"...alot of people think this is just a job that you go to.....take a lunch hour, the jobs over, something like that. But...it's a 24 hour deal...no two ways about it....and what most people don't see: Just How Hard It Is To Do The Right Thing.
People think if I make a judgment call that it's a judgment on them...but that's not what I do and that's not what should be done...I have to take everything and play it as it lays. Sometimes people need a little help. Sometimes people need to be forgiven and sometimes they need to go to jail. And that's a very tricky thing on my part...making that call...the law is the law and heck if I'm gonna break it...but you can forgive someone....? Well, that's the tough part....What Do We Forgive? Tough part of the job.....tough part of walking down the street..."


From the movie Magnolia.


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