Friday, May 05, 2006

A while ago, CC and I were talking about the ins and outs of the choice of movie for the first movie you watch with a girl. The debate asked if it would be better to take a safe pick and watch something like "I Heart Huckabees" so as to allow some sort of margin for error or if you should strive to know immediatly where you stand by watching "Annie Hall". In the first case if your date doesn't like "I Heart Huckabees" it is forgivable and you can still, with a clean concious, date that person. Not liking "Annie Hall" however makes whoever pretty undefendable. But still the question is now or later?

After watching "Annie Hall" again and remembering how great it is I decided that I would want to know sooner rather than later. Within that movie is a wide range of emotions and truths that I would want someone I'm intrested in to unerstand. If they didn't get it those parts of it or didn't like those parts of it, why should I waste any more of my time with that person? I've always said making quick accurate decisions is a very important and useful skill, "Annie Hall" just helps me to that end.


Blogger bgeorge77 said...


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